[ MINIMALISM ] on Debian * Install using netimage * Set default runlevel to Multi-User Target [ No X-Window ] sudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target * Install fluxbox sudo apt-get install fluxbox * Edit ~/.xinitrc and add [ Switch from Gnome to Fluxbox ] exec fluxbox * Install screen sudo apt-get install screen * Set display to main screen export DISPLAY=:0 * set black background on FluxBox xsetroot -bg black * Prepare term.sh and call it from x-terminal-emulator to uxterm sudo vi /usr/bin/term.sh #!/bin/bash /usr/bin/uxterm -fa knight \ -fs 17 +bc \ -bg black -fg darkGray \ -geometry 80x25+121+8 \ +ai \ -cr black \ -T " " \ +samename \ -xrm "xterm*allowTitleOps: false" \ -xrm "xterm*selectToClipboard: true" \ -hm * Change x-terminal-emulator from gnome-terminal to term.sh e.g. sudo vi /sr/bin/x-terminal-emulator on last line: #exec('gnome-termisr/bin/x-terminal-emulator on last line: #exec('gnome-terminal',@args); exec('/usr/bin/term.sh'); * Change fluxbox theme to something less bright e.g. square-blue Right-click on desktop -> Styles -> Square-Blue * Use Alt+F1 to call Your new terminal * Prepare friendly alises in ~/.bashrc vi ~/.bashrc alias edenv='vi ~/.bashrc' alias rld='. ~/.bashrc' * Visit: nal',@args); exec('/usr/bin/term.sh'); [ CHROMIUM ] * For web install chromium * Change the Search Engine to DuckDuckGo * Install Dark Reader Chrome extension * Install Just Black Theme [ Terminal ] * Change fluxbox theme to something less bright e.g. square-blue Right-click on desktop -> Styles -> Square-Blue * Prepare friendly alises in ~/.bashrc vi ~/.bashrc alias edenv='vi ~/.bashrc' alias rld='. ~/.bashrc' * Use ShortCuts to move Across the fluxbox Screens alt+ctrl+<- or alt+ctrl+-> * Save Your Eyes install and use redshift sudo apt-get install redshift redshift & * Enable click on touchpad as click sudo apt remove xserver-xorg-input-synaptics sudo apt install xserver-xorg-input-libinput sudo mkdir /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf Section "InputClass" Identifier "libinput touchpad catchall" MatchIsTouchpad "on" MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*" Driver "libinput" Option "Tapping" "on" EndSection sudo systemctl restart gdm3 * Change keyboard setxkbmap us setxkbmap cz * Install Parcellite for sharing clipboard between Chromium and xterm sudo apt-get install parcellite * Use copy & paste as follows: From Chromium to X-Term - ctrl+shift+insert From X-Term to Chromium - ctrl + middle click on xterm - check option select to copy [ CHROMIUM ] * For web install chromium * Change the Search Engine to DuckDuckGo * Install Dark Reader Chrome extension * Install Just Black Theme [ FIREFOX ] * Install Firefox AddOn Dark Background and Light Text * Enable Firefox Dark Theme about:addons Enable Dark Mode [ QR CODES ] * Install oathtool sudo apt-get install oathtool * prepare shell scripts as follows #!/bin/bash oathtool -b --totp 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY' [ TERMINAL ] * Use Ctrl+Alt+F[2-6] to call Your new terminal (TTY) * Install elinks * Turn off beeper sudo rmmod pcspkr * Simplify the connections with lftp vi ~/.netrc machine example.com login username password secret * Download backups lftp go.wz.cz * Install FUSE sudo apt-get install fuse * Dim Screen echo 200 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness * Install console-data for different keymaps sudo apt-get install console-data sudo loadkeys us sudo loadkeys cz * Detailed keyboard configuration keybard maps are located in /usr/share/keymaps sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration * Change console font for correct ANSI display console fonts in psf format are located here: /usr/share/consolefonts sudo setfont lat1-16 * Install lftp for ftp and secure ftp transfer sudo apt-get install lftp * Skip ssl verifications for ftp over ssl vi ~/.lftprc set ftp:ssl-allow no; [ SCREEN ] * turn off visual beel to prevent screen blicking when hitting backspace vi ~/.screenrc vbell off * Use it as follows: screen -S bbs ( creates new screen) ctrl + a and c - create new screen ctrl + a and n - next screen ctrl + a and p - previous screen ctrl + a and [1-9] - switch to screen number ctrl + a and " - select screen by number ctrl + a and ' - type number of screen to switch to [ VIM ] * sudo apt-get install vim * create directory for colorscheme mkdir -p ~/.vim/colors * let the syntax on and colors to Your theme, turn on the line numbers vi ~/.vimrc colo elf syntax on set nu * use it effectively basic movement is j - left, l - right, k - up, j - down type : to enter the command menu type to enter the movement mode type i to insert new text type :w in movement mode to save the file go 10 rows lower in movement move type 10j type R in mov mode to start replacing the text type r in mov mode to replace one character type :%s/str1/str2/g to replace str1 to str2 in whole text type :%s/\(.*\)/\1 \1/g to duplicate current string in file type :%g/str/d to delete all lines that includes string type :1,10/str1/str2/g to replace str1 to str1 in first 10 rows type m[a-z] in move mode to mark the position at current cursor type '[a-z] in mov mode to get to the marked place in text type :0 to get go the beggining of the text type gg to get to the end of the text type v and j,k,h,l e.g. 10j to select text type :wq to save and quit type :!q to quite without saving execute vim file1 file2 to edit multiple files in the multiple files mode use :wn :wp to switch between it type ctrl + w and s to split the screen horizontally type ctrl + w and v to split the screen vertically type ctrl + w and j to switch to lower window type ctrl + w and k to switch to higher window type ctrl + w and l to switch to right window type ctrl + w and h to switch to left window type :q to close current window use vimdiff file1 file2 to compare two files [ ED ] * old-school editor sudo apt-get install ed echo "hello" > test ed test ,n - print the content of file with lines number a - add text on new line . on new line - stop entering new text wq - save file and exit exit using ctrl + d [ SED ] * To edit files without opening it sed -i 's/str1/str2/g' file [ SEARCH ] * use grep to search for string in subdirs grep -R str * [ FIND FILES ] * use find to search for files find . -name "*str*" [ PROCESS MULTIPLE FILES ] * use find and xargs to search and apply command to multiple files find . -name "*.txt" | xargs ls -l [ BBS ] * Download BBS Toolbox wget https://bbst.neocities.org [ OPTIONAL ] * Install Zotero